Thursday, December 6, 2012

Save Money by Eliminating Your Shopping Cart

Choosing a shopping cart for your coaching business can be difficult and confusing with so many options out there. While there are plenty of great shopping cart services to choose from many coaches don't realize that there are ways to get around having to use one, and plenty of reasons why you don't need one.

Choosing the right shopping cart for your coaching business is important because many of them don't just take payments and collect customer information but will also manage your mailing list, or at least keep a mailing list for customers that have purchased from you. This is very useful, but can be redundant if you already maintain a separate newsletter list, and annoying if you have to always copy and paste email addresses between one service and another.

Changing who your email list is hosted with is also a pain, requiring your customers to re-opt in, or you having to jump through hoops in order to bypass this annoyance and not lose a percentage of your list. So once you make your choice for a newsletter provider (or shopping cart with newsletter capabilities), it's generally easier just to stick with it, even if it's inconvenient.

So how do you get away with not using a shopping cart, but still make sales and keep track of your customers? You skip the middle man and integrate your payment service directly with your newsletter service.

All that your shopping cart does is create a way for you to host your products and process your payments through a service like PayPal, or your merchant account. What you may not realize is, some of the top newsletter services (such as AWeber, which is the service I use and recommend) have the ability to directly interface with these same payment systems through an email parser.

So essentially you just put your "buy now" button on your website, a customer clicks it, goes through the normal check out process and when they hit the submit button not only is the payment processed, but they are subscribed to a specific autoresponder dedicated to that product (and it's possible to automagically add them to your newsletter as well) all for an extra zero dollars a month. How cool is that?

This work around is really only worth it if you're selling a few products or coaching packages on your website. The reason being you have to link each product individually to an autoresponder which can be time consuming initially. However, if you're like most coaches and are mostly selling a couple of coaching packages and teleseminars this is a great way to save yourself some money on a shopping cart, and save time adding customers to your newsletter list.

How Often To Mail Your Email Subscriber List?   Autoresponders - Secrets to Success With This Powerful Tool   Email Signature - What's the Message That You Are Sending to Your List?   Autoresponders - What You Should Know   

Top 9 Reasons Why I Choose Getresponse As My Autoresponder?

Email marketing is a powerful marketing strategy in the internet marketing business. In order to be an effective email marketer, we need a tool to help us to achieve our purposes. The tool that we need to use is an autoresponder.

There are many autoresponders in this world. However I choose Getresponse as my autoresponder.

Here are a few reasons why I choose Getresponse as my autoresponder.

1)Tracking your emails

One of the features offered by Getresponse is that they allow you to track your emails for any campaign. You can find out how many readers read your emails,click on your links or just delete them and so much more.

2) Linked to Social Medial Sites

Many business now are using social media (for example Myspace, twitter and Facebook) to promote their business. However to sent messages to all this sites on your own can be time consuming. Getresponse can link up with your social media accounts and you can sent your messages and alerts to all the social media sites easily.

3)Marketing library

Getesponse has a marketing library and you can learn how to write a better email, the latest trends in the business and so much more.


There is a lot of free videos and tutorials available on how to use Getresponse.Therefore any newbie can easily learn how to use and master it.

5)Flexible payment plans

Getresponse offers flexible payment plans to suit everybody's budget. They allow you to pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

6)Good customer service

Getresponse offers free support by email, phone and live chat. They also have a free forum where you can place your questions and they will reply to you quickly.

7) Email templates

You get to choose designed email templates that suit your business with Getresponse. This is particularly good if you like to place an emphasis on branding.

8)Video Marketing

Getresponse allows you to use their services for video marketing. You can use a video to record your face and messages and then sent out to your list as messages.

9) Free trial

There is a free trial period being offered by Getresponse. The free services doesn't have all the services provided for the premium service and it does contains ads. Some of the features offered in the free trial are unlimited autoreponders,messages follow up (only 5 in the free trial), mailing list management, pop up creator and a tool that allows you to know whether your email is consider as a spam. Therefore anybody who is uncertain about Getresponse services should take up the free trial and decide later.

It is important to choose a good autoresponder for our online business. Since using Getresponse, I have no regrets and will continue using it for my online business.

How Often To Mail Your Email Subscriber List?   Autoresponders - Secrets to Success With This Powerful Tool   Email Signature - What's the Message That You Are Sending to Your List?   Autoresponders - What You Should Know   GetResponse Vs AWeber - Which Autoresponder Is Best for Your Needs?   Affiliate Marketing Tips: Use an Auto-Responder   

Autoresponder Strategies - The Internets Killer Application

If you are brand new to Internet marketing one of the key things you will be introduced to as a must have in your business is an autoresponder. On the Internet there are two fundamental ways of acquiring website sales, the first is to generate traffic to your website and the second is to convert your website visitors into customers and for that you are going to require autoresponder strategies.

Traffic generation strategies are the life blood of your business and even if you have the most amazing autoresponder strategies in place locked and loaded and ready to go if you have not got enough traffic generators in place gaining you enough visitors to your website then you are going to find it hard to drive enough sales to make any profits.

You Cannot Rely On Just Your Website For Your Sales

If as an online business owner you rely exclusively on your website for your sales then your Internet business is not going to go very far. Email marketing and autoresponder strategies are a very hot item in e-commerce and should be thought of as important as any other part of your business if not more important. A layman may think of email marketing as spam but to the marketing industry it is a goldmine.

The all time most effective marketing strategy in the world to increase your percentages of sales is to put an opt in mechanism on your website for capturing your visitors contact information, develop a relationship with them through your autoresponder strategies and as a result if you do it in the right way you will dramatically increase the chances of ultimately making more sales.

Review The Frame Of Mind Of Your Audience

One of the most effective ways in which you create highly successful autoresponder strategies is to review the frame of mind of your audience before writing a single word. Clearly when you want to sell your ideas and products to others you need to create rapport with them. One simple but highly effective way in which you can do this is to align yourself with them or even more simply be like them. People will then develop a bond with you because they see a reflection of themselves in you and that is very attractive.

For your emails to get read you will need to construct a compelling subject line and in these busy days and times it must be irresistible and must literally be begged to be opened. A common mistake is to make the subject line and advertisement which is like asking your readers to watch a TV commercial and that is not the intention when creating effective autoresponder strategies.

Remember that each of us is bombarded with an average of 3500 commercial messages per day from TV, billboards, radio and the Internet so think outside the box when creating your autoresponder strategies and be a human who is there to help.

How Often To Mail Your Email Subscriber List?   Autoresponders - Secrets to Success With This Powerful Tool   Email Signature - What's the Message That You Are Sending to Your List?   GetResponse Vs AWeber - Which Autoresponder Is Best for Your Needs?   

Cash for Gold Services Can Provide Extra Funds

Every now and then, people deal with moments where they don't have enough money. They have worked hard all month, but once they get their check almost everything goes to bills and other necessities. They don't have anything left over for other expenses or fun activities. The truth is they probably do have a way to get extra money, but they just aren't aware of it. That's because they more than likely have a stash of valuable jewelry sitting around that they can take to a cash for gold service.

For example, they may have a bunch of broken jewelry in their possession. Unless they plan on getting some of it fixed, there is really no reason to keep it. It isn't doing anyone any good and it's only taking up space that new jewelry could be filling. Besides, by bringing the pieces to a cash for gold service, they would be making money instead of spending it.

There are also people who have jewelry that they no longer want. When they first purchased it, they loved it and wore it all of the time. However, as time went on their tastes changed and they no longer want to wear it. On the other hand, there are some people who still have the same tastes, but they no longer desire a certain jewelry piece or style. As previously mentioned, it doesn't make much sense to keep things that will never be used, especially when you can get something of value in exchange for them. The act of getting rid of some clutter from the home can help them out of a rut, too!

Lastly, there are people who just need extra money. They don't necessarily have jewelry that is broken or unwanted. However, they could use help paying some of their bills. A cash for gold service can help them to get the extra money they need. This doesn't mean that they must part with sentimental family heirlooms or wedding bands. However, there are much less important pieces that are equally as valuable, that could be used as an exchange. This includes old items that are rarely worn or things that were given by an ex-lover.

Cash for gold services are a great way to make a little pocket change and get rid of some of the clutter in your jewelry case. Clearing out some of the excess we all keep can become an incredibly freeing experience that benefits the seller and the buyer.

What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Precious Metals - Not Just in the Wild West!

The discussion of gold and silver was mainly heard among miners, sunken treasure divers, coin collectors and wealthy governments. Today, it is quickly becoming more main stream.

Three camps of people are currently discussing and purchasing precious metals: investment speculators, risk removers, and those preparing for economic collapse. All three have found that physical gold or silver offer something they are not able to get anywhere else. This article will focus on the second camp, risk removers.

If someone believes in diversification and wants to spread their risk, not only should they consider metals as another asset class, they need to consider currency risk. How many of your retirement investments are measured in US dollars? What happens to these accounts if the dollar falls quickly?

"Barring a miracle, there will be a fierce storm of inflation sometime in the next few years and it will wipe out a big chunk of the national debt, along with the debts of individual citizens, and the savings of others." - Michael Kinsley Jan 19, 2012 Bloomberg

Gold tends to outperform other investments during periods of political or economic tension. The same factors that cause other investments to suffer will traditionally cause the price of gold to rise. Many financial experts recommend maintaining 10%-20% of your portfolio in precious metals to ensure sufficient diversification and to provide a hedge against inflation and market downturns. Recent trends and events, however, might indicate an increase in these percentages.

To accomplish this diversification, many will place gold and silver inside an IRA or ROTH IRA. Due to the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, investors can add a wider variety of precious metal bullion to their IRAs. This is accomplished through use of a self-directed IRA and a safe depository that only the IRA trustee may access on your behalf. With capital gains rates likely to increase, investing in metals within a ROTH IRA could be a way to reduce currency risk, diversify your portfolio and get tax free gains!

Regardless of which camp a person falls in, a purchase should be made carefully. Metal dealers have not been highly regulated and they are not all the same. In Austin Texas, a commemorative coin marketer has agreed to pay up to $5 million in restitution and comply with the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Today a dealer must comply with the Federal Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Patriot Act, Office of Foreign Assets Control, and others. Without face to face business transactions verifying a client's Government issued photo I.D., SS number and using BSA software, the most popular online precious metal dealers are in violation of these Federal laws. Things to look for in a dealer include: real time transactions, knowledgeable, easily facilitates IRA transactions, security, confidentiality, compliance with face-to-face transactions, and a buy-back program. Look out for hard sell tactics, churning your holdings, and leveraged or margin accounts. The Federal Trade Commission offers this advice:

"Check out the company by entering its name in a search engine online. Read whether other people have something to say about their experiences with the company. Try to communicate offline if possible to clarify any details. In addition, contact your state Attorney General ( ) and local consumer protection agency ( )... "

What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

What Is Silver Spot Price?

Spot price is the price you would have to shell out at this moment to buy the commodity. Therefore, spot price is in essence the 'right now'. Spot price is affected by the market trends and does not operate in isolation. The future spot price strongly affects a non perishable commodity such as silver. An increase in spot price does not necessarily indicate a high demand of silver. The silver spot price may be high as the traders are expecting a rise in the future. The predictions or the sentiments of the traders in such cases is a strong indicator of what to expect in the silver market.

The future price is as important as the current price in the commodity market. Speculation plays an important role in this market. This importance exists as it gives suppliers and purchasers a hedge against future changes on silver prices. The prices on silver are decided beforehand, even before the silver is bought. This is called a commodity contract. A silver commodity contract is an agreement to buy a specific amount of silver at a decided price at a particular time. The silver price decided in the contract remains binding regardless of it rising or falling in the meantime.

The main advantage for suppliers is that they are guaranteed a customer for their commodity at a certain price even though the of the commodity may rise or fall in the future. The supplier is certain of a sale in this instance. The buyer on the other hand is hoping that the commodity price will rise. The buyer will be able to purchase at a low price and later sell it at the current high price. He will then be able to pocket the difference from the contractual price and the real.

The actual situation is somewhat more complex than this. In reality the investor never really buys the contract but actually sells it to a third party. The third party wants the contract before it matures. There is also the 'put' option, which is actually a form of selling short. It means selling a contract before you actually own it on the assumption that the price will fall. In this way you will be able to buy the contract at a lower price and pocket the difference between the price you sold it at before owning and the actual price you were able to buy it for.

What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

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